SALTEADOS /Stir fried
21 Kra Prao
Delicias salteadas con chili, verduras y albahaca
Stir Fried Dishes with chili, vegetables and basil leaves
Pollo Chiken………………………………. Solomillo Beef.….….….…….………..…
Langostino Prawns……………………… Pato Duck….………………….…..….…..
Calamares Squid.………………………. Cerdo Pork.………………………………...
Verduras Vegetables………………….
22 Kai Pad King.……..….……….……….……….………….………….…………….…..…
Pollo salteado con jengibre y verduras
Thai style stirfried chiken with ginger and vegetables
23 Kai Pad Med Mamuang……………………………………………………….……….
Pollo salteado con anacardos, pimienta y cebolla
Thai style stirfried chiken with cashew nuts, paprica and onion
24 Agridulce con piña, pepino, cebolla, pimiento rojo y verde
Sweet and sour with pineapple, cucumber, onion, red and green pepper
Pollo Chiken………….….…….………... Langostino Prawns………………….….
Pato Duck.……………………….…….... Verduras Vegetables……………….….
Pescado Fish…………………………….
25 Ped Makam…….……………………………………………………………………………………….….
Porciones de magret pato con espinacas y salsa tamarindo
Crispy honey duck with spinach and tamarind sauce
26 Thod Kratiam Prik Thai
Verduras salteadas con salsa de ajo
Thai style stirfried vegetables with garlic sauce
Pollo Chiken………………..…………..… Ternera Beef…………………….………..
Langostino Prawns…………..…..….. Cerdo Pork……………………………….…
27 Nua namen hoy…………………………………………………………………………..
Solomillo de buey salteado con verduras y salsa de ostras
Stir fried beef with oyster sauce and vegetables